As of October 2024, after multiple formally submitted harassment reports and complaints were submitted over 13 months to the Calaveras County Sheriff and District Attorney, as well as to elected and appointed officials and business bureau leaders, an adjudicated pedophile is still working at a leading hospitality business in Murphys, with the employer's full knowledge, as this individual continues to come in consistent contact with families with children.
Business bureaus that have been allegedly protecting a Murphys legacy business that has been employing an adjudicated pedophile shouldn't be producing events for families with children.
Published: October 3, 2024
The Mission Statement of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau states, "to promote tourism in Calaveras County to support sustainable economic growth while protecting the local environment, culture, and assets."
The Mission Statement of the Murphys Business Association states, "The purpose of the MBA is to increase awareness of the greater Murphys area businesses, attractions, and special events, to promote a healthy business climate, and to encourage high ethics and professional standards."
Calaveras County's longterm issue of negligence of public safety stands in sharp contrast to the declarative statements of these business bureaus.
Calaveras County tourism safety, LGBTQ safety and child safety, along with the implementation of intelligent economic development strategies, must be the top priorities of ALL Calaveras business bureaus.
Questions must be answered by the directors of these bureaus.
Read the Negligence of Public Safety Section of at this link.
Christopher Buttner’s statements before the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors of April 9, 2024 and July 23, 2024.
April 9, 2024:
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of
Since early 2022, to silence, I’ve provided detailed documents to the Calaveras DA, expecting investigations would be launched into conflicts of interest, collusion, cronyism, misuse of public funds, government corruption, and personal harassment, with my claims backed by irrefutable evidence and 15 Calaveras Sheriff’s Department harassment reports.
Most recently, my harassment reports were vetted by Sheriff Dibasilio, who submitted them on my behalf to the DA’s office on December 5, 2023.
As of today, no response.
Two of the 15 harassment reports reveal the individual the reports were filed against violated two penal codes and one civil rights code. A background search revealed this individual was arrested and pleaded to a charge of Electronically Furnishing Obscene Materials to Minors in Georgia in 2013.
In late 2023, those two harassment reports were emailed to his employers, where he continues to work, as well as three business bureau directors,
1 - Murphys Business Association
2 - Calaveras Winegrape Alliance
one of whom is a County District Supervisor, without response.
Per the Sacramento Bee on September 29, 2023, the California Attorney General is reviewing – for abuse of discretion – the Calaveras DA’s decision to dismiss the indictment against now fugitive pedophile priest Father Michael Kelly.
A county government that allows pedophiles to flee justice and flourish in our communities, and let innocent and defenseless animals suffer for decades, appears to be irreparably broken and beyond redemption.
July 23, 2024:
As asserted to all of you in my April 9th statement from this podium and in my April 12th follow-up email, my civil harassment case raises allegations that County officials provide protective cover for a legacy Murphys hospitality business that has employed an adjudicated pedophile since mid-2018.
On July 11th, I filed a complaint with the FBI, logged and redirected to the Calaveras Sheriff’s Office by the U.S. Department of Justice, confirmed on July 12th by Deputy Denney (Badge 0581).
All evidentiary documents supporting these allegations will be published to for law enforcement, media and public scrutiny.
This government’s failure to prioritize child safety prompts me to draft proposed legislation for which I’ll seek sponsorship in Sacramento.
The “No Safe Harbor for Child Predators Act” intends to amend and close dangerous loopholes in California Penal Code 290 - Failure to Register as a Sex Offender - that shield adjudicated child sex offenders who’ve relocated to California from states, such as Georgia, with lax child sex offender registry laws from being required to register as sex offenders in California.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of
Attention readers and Concerned Calaveras County Citizens: The proposed “No Safe Harbor for Child Predators Act" will include stiff penalties for public officials and employers prosecuted and convicted for using their respective positions of power of office or employment to provide protective cover for pedophiles.
Read the Negligence of Public Safety Section of at this link.
Negligence of Fiscal, Child, Public and Animal Safety in Calaveras County - A county government that allows a pedophile to flee justice or a pedophile to flourish in our communities, and let innocent and defenseless animals suffer for decades, appears to be irreparably broken and beyond redemption.
Statement by Christopher Buttner during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subjects of:
Calaveras County has been afflicted for decades by county-sanctioned and institutionalized conflicts of economic interests, cronyism and exclusionary collusion through the willful suppression of entrepreneurialism and innovation in favor of select support of legacy personalities, businesses and industries through the advocacy of inexperienced and - it is alleged - inept individuals entrenched in a range of both Calaveras County governmental and business bureau leadership positions.
These business bureaus, especially those responsible for tourism safety, child safety, and LGBTQ safety serving the economic engine of Calaveras County, Murphys, need to be purged of ineffective leadership, restaffed, and consolidated into financially viable and sustainable entities with a common mission to support existing and emerging innovative Calaveras businesses, as well as bring new businesses and monied tourists to Calaveras County.
Watch Christopher Buttner’s General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the Murphys Gathering, the Murphys Witch Walk, LLC and the Revelation of Martin Huberty's Willful and Malicious Suppression of innovative entrepreneurialism and tourism business development.
Follow this link or click on image to read the blog post and watch the accompanying video.
District 1 includes the communities of Circle XX, San Andreas, Valley Springs, Campo Seco, La Contenta, Camanche, Burson and Wallace.
Phone: (209) 286-9002
Term Info:
Elected 2020
Re-elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 2 includes the communities of Mokelumne Hill, Paloma, West Point, Wilseyville, Glencoe/Rail Road Flat, Sheep Ranch, Mountain Ranch, and Calaveritas.
Email Autumn Andahl
Phone: (209) 286-9003
Term Info:
Elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 3 includes the communities of Douglas Flat, Murphys, Brice Station, Forest Meadows, Hathaway Pines, Avery, Arnold, White Pines, Dorrington, Camp Connell, Cottage Springs, Skyhigh, Tamarack, Sherman Acres and Vallecito.
Email Martin Huberty
Phone: (209) 286-9007
Term Info:
Elected 2022
Current Term Expires December 31, 2026
District 4 includes the communities of Angels Camp, Altaville, and Copperopolis.
Email Amanda Folendorf
Phone: (209) 286-9050
Term Info:
Elected 2020
Re-elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 5 Includes the communities of Milton, Jenny Lind, Rancho Calaveras, and Salt Spring Valley.
Email Benjamin Stopper
Phone: (209) 286-9059
Term Info:
Elected 2022
Current Term Expires December 31, 2026
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